Friday, April 13, 2012

What is more Important, Church or family?

What is more important?

Today at work I was listening to a church program on the internet. It was about keeping life simple and not trying to be to complex. The conversation went from one topic to another and the issue came up of family and the Church. Namely the issue was, which is more important. How do you balance your responsibilities and duty to the Lord's Church, and keep all your responsibilities and still be with your family, which is of course very important. One of the speakers told a story of when he was a Bishop. He was conducting a meeting outside of church, but still every important. He was speaking with some brothers when his phone rang. It was his daughter, around 7 or 8, and she wanted him to come home. She said she had to speak with him and it was extremely important. He asked if it could wait, but she said it was urgent. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to have someone finish the meeting and he went home to speak with little girl. It turned out to really not be that urgent, but to her it was very important. The man was glad of the choice he made putting family first, but is that suppose to be the case every time? One of the men doing the show said a quote from Stephen Covey that give some great insight on this issue. The quote went something like this, "It is not an issue of what is more important, the Church or family, our loyalty should be with God. If we trust him then we will know which one is the right one to choose when certain conflicts come up". Sadly, I can not actaully remember the exact quote but I think that is close. I think that is a very inspired statement. For some, the Church trumps all, but we can not forget the other aspects of our lives, especially families. If we listen to God then we will know the correct choice. I believe this can help us with other things too. For people in college, at least for me, it was hard to balance Church with school. I was there to get an education, and that is something that moves with us to the next life, so it is important. Sometimes we may have a conflict with studying for a big test, and going to FHE. There are many other examples like that of course, but the point is we should just listen to hear what the right decision is. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys :) God Bless!!!


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